Friday, February 22, 2013

Mine site rehabilitation. Mount Owen complex

The Mount Owen complex is made up of three sites and back onto Ravensworth state forest.  It is an open cut coal mine.  To ensure the environmental integrity of the area is restored by the end of mining operations, the following steps need to be undertaken.

1. A flora and survey needs to be done.

2. Topsoil is removed and and stored.

3. Spoil (rocks and deeper soil removed to access the coal) is stored in dumping areas.  

3. Following the exhaustion of this open cut mine, the spoil is placed back in the excavated areas.  Any remaining coal must be completely buried so that a bush fire does not ignite a seam of remaining underground coal and travel underground.

4.  The topsoil is then placed on top.  The existing seeds in the soil can be used to regenerate the area or deliberate replanting of the area with vegetation identified with the initial flora and fauna survey can be used.

5.  Revegetation may be a multi-staged work.  In some instances grass can be quickly established to stabilise the soil, followed by tree planting to restore the old vegetation. 

6.  Once completed, the area will need to be monitored over an extended period to ensure that regrowth is following projections and that native fauna is returning.

Mt Owen Revegetation 567 x 372

A summary of the whole process is below.

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